Mediclinic Legae is located 40 km north-west of Tshwane (Pretoria), in Mabopane. Mediclinic Legae offers quality healthcare to the community and surrounding areas. Medical specialists, professional nursing staff and excellent facilities are available at the hospital.
Mediclinic Legae healthcare services inlcude an emergency centre, intensive / highcare unit, and a neonatal intensive / highcare unit. There is an antenatal clinic, baby Wellness clinic, mother and childcare clinic, pre-admission centre and woundcare clinic.
Healthcare services – Specialised nursing units:
Emergency Centre:
The 24-hr emergency centre is constantly manned by experienced medical doctors and registered nurses. Seriously-ill patients will be treated immediately. The unit endeavours to incorporate the patient’s general practitioner in the further treatment of the patient.
Intensive/Highcare Unit:
The availability of modern and highly specialised equipment in the unit, coupled with the vast pool of experience and skill of the medical specialists, nursing personnel and other professionals, make it possible for the intensive care unit/highcare unit to perform a variety of procedures, ranging from simple diagnostic to more complicated interventional procedures.
Neonatal Intensive/Highcare Unit:
Highly specialised and dedicated medical specialists and nursing personnel play an essential role in the treatment and care of the babies within this unit. The unit is comprised of high-care, intensive-care beds, and special isolation units, and is equipped with the latest medical technological equipment in order to care for the infants.
Specialised Clinics:
Antenatal clinic
Baby Wellness clinic
Mother and childcare clinic
Pre-admission centre
Woundcare clinic
Supplementary Services:
3 and 4D Scan
Renal dialysis
Mediclinic Legae Facilities:
Coffee shop
Visiting Hours:
In the interest of our patients, please adhere to visiting hours.
Visitors are limited to two per patient at a time.
General Units: 10:00 – 11:00, 15:00 – 16:00, 18:30 – 20:00
Intensive Care Unit: Immediate family at the unit manager’s discretion.
Obstetrics Unit: Partners and grandparents: 10:00 – 20:00, Other visitors: as for general units.
Mediclinic Legae Contact Details:
Tel: +27 12 797 8000
Email: hospmngrlegae@mediclinic….
24 Hour Emergency Centre: +27 12 797 8021
Physical Address:
8560 Unit M Off Lucas Mangope Highway
Pretoria, 0190
Postal Address:
Private Bag X18
Rosslyn, 0200